Fashioned in legal practice, the phenomenon of mediation pre-trial settlement of conflicts. Mediation has shown itself in Russia with almost all branches of law. From corporate to family. So far, the "lame" mediation, when one party is the government. Those in power are reluctant to negotiate. Yet in my experience, the mediator was a successful mediation with government agencies.

So, what are the advantages of mediation:

  • Saves time and money for legal expenses.
  • Applicable when litigation is meaningless (for example, carve 1комнатной apartment 3 owners) or when to go to court is not profitable (for example, when debt collection, when the firm may withdraw funds or go bankrupt).
  • You will be able to continue working with the opposing party, as are settled or benefits to, or not settled at all. Unlike litigation, where there is a winner and a loser.

If You have a dispute, and You have "not entered into a deep clinch", then try mediation.


Your lawyer Aleksey Ponomarev


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