As the famous quotation from the novel "Anna Karenina" by L. N. Tolstoy's "All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way", and in family law - there are no two identical cases, each problem is unique in its own way.
No wonder lawyers the right seed is one of the most "dirty". In these disputes, as a rule, exposed the seamy side of the human soul, and it becomes clear who is who. I specializies on legal services for business, and try not to conduct "family business." But for every rule, there are exceptions:
First - if You are my regular customer, I will not leave You in trouble and will take the case.
And the second exception is if the case is very interesting.
So, if you have to:
- divorce,
- alimony,
- termination of parental rights,
then You know who to call?
Your lawyer Ponomarev Alexey Sergeyevich