A huge number of problems can be avoided just after a legal review of the contract, before signing. In my practice, there was a case of contract review-a contract. The lawyer of the opposing party wrote a bunch of paragraphs, writing that it would be optional. The conditions spelled out in them and so are guaranteed by law. Thus, a lawyer "hackneyed eyes," my clients – diverting attention from the important point – the responsibility for obtaining raw materials. The contract I fixed it. But the Trustee later abandoned the work with the contractor. How you can work with the businessman, if he starts to cheat and cheat in the beginning?
And how many people came after an emergency, when the contract is signed and make a difference in the difficult times? I even cannot calculate.
But there are situations when the law referenced in the contract says one thing, and in this judgment is quite another. And the Treaty changes the meaning to the opposite.
Conclusion: do not be like the "man" who waits for the "thunder clap" or "lay a straw" immediately.
If You face the question - check the contract or not to test – just ask yourself – "am I ready to risk N-sum, lose time and money"? If not, but call and I will help You.
Your lawyer Ponomarev Alexey Sergeyevich