The negotiations have stalled. Or the other party is not talking to them at all. There's only arbitration.

So, as it happens: You come to me with this problem

  • Analyze the situation, assess how the case is winnable. Let me explain, sometimes it seems you are right 100%, but the law is unfortunately on the side of "foe". And not to waste Your money and also your time and reputation must be sure that to go to court.
  • Make a statement of claim or an objection to the claim, prepare all the necessary materials to conduct the proceedings in bankruptcy court.
  • Further assist in the interaction with the Federal Service of bailiffs. As a rule, if counterparty "scores" on its obligations under the contract, the decision of the court he is in no hurry to perform.

Categories of cases considered in Arbitration courts:


Economic disputes:

  • The recovery of debts.
  • Disputes connected with conclusion, alteration or termination of the contract.
  • Recovering lost profits.
  • The recovery of damages.
  • Protection of the rights of the owner.


Administrative disputes:

  • Appeal against decisions of tax authorities.
  • The appeal of decisions of state bodies and bodies of local self-government.
  • Disputes on bringing to administrative responsibility.

If You are in a difficult situation, call me at the numbers listed below and I'm sure we will be able to solve Your problem.


Your lawyer Ponomarev Alexey Sergeyevich


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    Address: Moscow, street Shkol'naya, 23, Russia


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    +7 (925) 122-38-54

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